Okay Mommy with a Side of a Geek

I want to thank you for reading this. I hope I was able to touch you in someway. Please feel free to leave me a comment!!



We have Thor, Hulk and Iron Man. Who will win? According to my son
(age 4) it’s going to be this little tiny action figure of Wolverene. I really don’t see how he’s going to
beat the Hulk but the imagination of a little boy is incredible. I often wish that I could see the world the same way my kids do. I want a pair of those glasses so that I can make sure the world works the way I want it too. I want to be that little tiny action figure that can take on the Hulk and win. I want to have faith that no matter how big my enemy is it will work out. So, for now, I’m just going to sit here and play Hulk and pretend to be defeated. 

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